
 Blog Journal 9) 1)  I have really enjoyed my time in the classroom in eme2040. First, on the first day of class, I like how we got to know each other because the number of classmates is small. Also, everything covered in the classroom was posted to our classroom canvas page so even if we could not make it to class one day, we could learn about what was said in the classroom. I didn't dislike anything in the classroom, but I would change things in my own. To improve my classroom experience, I would allow for collaboration among students, not just on group projects but also on ways to improve individual assignments.  2) Open education resources are published learning tools that anyone can use, send, and remix for themselves or others to use. Primarily, for educational resources either in classrooms or for research purposes. Although they lack standard intellectual property rights, they do have their own which include, retain, reuse, remix, revise and redistribute. One blog I found r
 Blog Journal 8) 1) When designing my website I learned and used a lot of new tools to make my website the best it could be. The main one is the contrast principle. I used it to make important parts/words and graphics stand out and appeal to the eye. The only thing I disliked about the assignment was that I feel we had too much free reign on the topic/design and that there could be too much room for error. In my future career, I will be creating presentations for current projects so the contrast principle will help me keep them focused and entertaining. Here is the link to my website: 2) I was unfamiliar with Diigo until this assignment. I learned about their bookmark, annotate, and sticky note tools. The annotation was the most useful to me because previously I have used Word and it made it really confusing. I like how it doesn't show the annotation unless you click on it, makes the paper less cluttered. These will allow me to cr
 Blog Journal 7) 1) Publicly on teacher websites there is all kinds of information. One I found was for a kindergarten class and it included a welcome page, meet the teacher, resources, assignments, and library tab. It is very easy to access, interactive, and filled with current information and events. This page would be perfect for students and parents to see what's currently going on in the classroom if updated often.   2)    I plan to use technology to fulfill my professional responsibilities with the help of teacher productivity tools in many ways.     Examples of tools I will incorporate into my classroom include, PBworks. Which I will use to edit weekly schedules and as a home base for assignments and activities so that students can effectively access them with a provided link.  I will use Quizlet, Kahoot, and Class Dojo for practice on current benchmarks. These  activities are good practice for students and can help parents stay inform
 Blog Journal 6) 1) Before this course, I had never used Diigo before. I now think it's a very helpful tool and will be using it often for coursework. My first experience was using it to bookmark, I initially found a webpage I liked and selected the bookmark key wrote a description, and saved it for later. I then used the annotation and added a sticky note. The process was easy to use and self-explanatory. I really like this application, the only thing I did not like was initially, trying to sign in and create an account took a little longer than what I'm used to. 2) I have grown fond of blogging for school work and personal use. Specifically, the site Blogger has made it easy and enjoyable. Beforehand, I only thought it was to talk and post about things relevant to yourself, but it is a great way to communicate with others and see their thoughts about a certain topic. I like how personal you can get on a blog, however, there aren't many guidelines for censorship which coul
 Blog Journal 5) I have been using twitter for a couple years now, In the early stages of me using it I was only using it to read celebrity tweets and follow the news. I found it as an easy way to follow whats going on in the news because tweets cannot be very long so its easy to get straight to the point. It's a very direct point of communication and can be very helpful in a professional career. In my future career, I will use it to send updates on current and potential projects along with reminders for deadlines. I can use Twitter to send alerts to my team or to the whole company.  The digital divide is in reference to the difference between those who have internet access at home and access to technology versus those who do not. The digital divide can affect student success because if a teacher creates an assignment that either requires online resources to complete or needs to be printed, certain students who do not have those things will not be able to complete. Some causes of t
Blog Journal 3)  1) Copyright laws are rules that restrict the usage and sharing of intellectual property. When a person or corporation creates works by and for themself's or others to use, these laws prohibit the copying and sharing of those works to unauthorized users. However, there are the Fair Use guidelines that allow for users to copy and use copyrighted intellectual property for educational purposes. These strict guidelines restrict how much of the work can be used and if it's being used for the right reason. An example of these guidelines being followed is to include the copyright symbol being shown if using a work and to always ensure that it is a valid supplement to the goal being achieved. As a teacher, needing to use outside examples for the topics being learned, and having students create works of their own, following copyright laws are extra important. Teaching students the importance of these laws is crucial because when they start writing essays, a critical par
 Blog Journal 2- 1. My experience with MS Word has been extensive. Starting off in high school, we had different academy programs we could apply for as an extra set of classes to prepare us for our college career and intended major.  I was fortunate enough to be admitted into the Marketing and business academy. One of the requirements was to get certified in Word, PowerPoint and Excel which I did during my junior year of high school. Now being in college I put those skills to use in other classes for various assignments and projects. I also took a spreadsheets for business course last semester to even further my skills. MS Word is my preferred processing software because of my comfortability and experience with the program. 2.The ISTE Standard that is most meaningful to me is the Designer. In my own words the standard means that the educator is using various technologies to customize a learning experience to the specific needs of those they're teaching. This standard is important t