Blog Journal 5)

I have been using twitter for a couple years now, In the early stages of me using it I was only using it to read celebrity tweets and follow the news. I found it as an easy way to follow whats going on in the news because tweets cannot be very long so its easy to get straight to the point. It's a very direct point of communication and can be very helpful in a professional career. In my future career, I will use it to send updates on current and potential projects along with reminders for deadlines. I can use Twitter to send alerts to my team or to the whole company. 

The digital divide is in reference to the difference between those who have internet access at home and access to technology versus those who do not. The digital divide can affect student success because if a teacher creates an assignment that either requires online resources to complete or needs to be printed, certain students who do not have those things will not be able to complete. Some causes of the digital divide can range from the school or county being underfunded or the students family having financial troubles, both can cause a digital divide for a student, teacher or county. This will affect my teaching strategies because when creating lesson plans and assignments, I will need to make sure that I am aware which students struggle with accessing technology and cater to them to decrease this divide.

Academic software for students are applications that can be downloaded to enhance a students learning experience. Two softwares I would implement in the classroom would be QuizLet and ClassDojo. Quizlet is a great way to further learn and practice classroom benchmarks. It has many components such as, flashcards, matching, and a testing option where you write in the response. ClassDojo is also a good software because it lets parents have insight into whats going on in the classroom so they can practice with their students. 

                                                "Twitter" by chriscorneschi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
