Blog Journal 2-

1. My experience with MS Word has been extensive. Starting off in high school, we had different academy programs we could apply for as an extra set of classes to prepare us for our college career and intended major.  I was fortunate enough to be admitted into the Marketing and business academy. One of the requirements was to get certified in Word, PowerPoint and Excel which I did during my junior year of high school. Now being in college I put those skills to use in other classes for various assignments and projects. I also took a spreadsheets for business course last semester to even further my skills. MS Word is my preferred processing software because of my comfortability and experience with the program.

2.The ISTE Standard that is most meaningful to me is the Designer. In my own words the standard means that the educator is using various technologies to customize a learning experience to the specific needs of those they're teaching. This standard is important to educators because each child has a different way of learning that works best for them. Education and learning is not a one size fits all experience and without the customization of learning techniques, it puts students at risk for losing their motivation and passion for learning. If this happens, it could potentially jeopardize their entire future. 

3.The term digital native explains that those born into the informational age are more likely to understand and utilize technology fully. This is in contrast to the term digital immigrants who are those who were born before the digital natives and grew up without as advanced technology. I do agree with this term because the difference between the two is imminent in both educational settings and outside of a classroom. Being born into this age where technology is so prominent, you're completely immersed into it throughout schooling as a child and its reach is at a whole new level being a part of daily life for everyone. This difference can be seen even within your own family, which has been my experience in situations as simple as trying to get my dad to flip the camera on facetime on an iPhone. I have seen the differences between my teachers using technology and students my age using it most prevalently during Covid-19. Teachers were forced to embrace technology because during a pandemic, face to face learning was made impossible. Aids like Zoom and Teams were used which was a visible struggle for educators and resulted in students (being the digital natives) were having to provide assistance. The situation of learning completely remote and relying on technology for my education was really difficult for me because I am a hands on learner and having to absorb information through a screen made me have to work harder for goof grades. As for me and my future students, I do not anticipate their being too many differences in how we use technology. I always try to adapt to and embrace new technology as its introduced and continue to do so. Therefore, between me keeping up with the times and them being younger than me, my students and I will learn and use new technology together. 
