Blog Journal 8)

1) When designing my website I learned and used a lot of new tools to make my website the best it could be. The main one is the contrast principle. I used it to make important parts/words and graphics stand out and appeal to the eye. The only thing I disliked about the assignment was that I feel we had too much free reign on the topic/design and that there could be too much room for error. In my future career, I will be creating presentations for current projects so the contrast principle will help me keep them focused and entertaining. Here is the link to my website:

2) I was unfamiliar with Diigo until this assignment. I learned about their bookmark, annotate, and sticky note tools. The annotation was the most useful to me because previously I have used Word and it made it really confusing. I like how it doesn't show the annotation unless you click on it, makes the paper less cluttered. These will allow me to critique my own work along with colleagues in a proactive way to make projects the best they can be. 

3) Technology and teacher development are crucial in this day in age, especially since the pandemic. In classrooms, it can be with smart-boards, tablets, or laptops. However not every student has internet access or the ability to read or comprehend things that using technology assists with. It is then the teacher's responsibility to keep up with the new technology and the abilities of their students to use it. Ways teachers can stay on course with growing technology is subscribing to tech news journals, following other teachers' blogs, and staying connected with students, staff, and administration at their school. Here is an example of a site to stay in the know on tech:


  1. Hi Hayden, I really enjoyed looking over your blog! I loved the color scheme as well as the readability of the font. I also loved your "stay in the loop" section where website visitors can stay in contact with you by writing down their emails.

  2. Hello, I liked looking at your website. I think it followed the C.R.A.P acronym. You made sure to use contrast so people could read your words and you used repetition on all of the pages which showed consistency. You also had everything in alignment and in Proximity with each other.

  3. Hi Hayden! In your post you mention the contrast principle, and I can see this in your website design. The fonts and colors used make the information very easy to read and appealing to look at. The blue font on the pink background not only looks nice, but is very legible.

  4. I really liked this site! The design aesthetics used were all on point, especially the consistent use of bright colors. Everything was easily readable and able to be navigated.


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