Blog Journal 7)

1) Publicly on teacher websites there is all kinds of information. One I found was for a kindergarten class and it included a welcome page, meet the teacher, resources, assignments, and library tab. It is very easy to access, interactive, and filled with current information and events. This page would be perfect for students and parents to see what's currently going on in the classroom if updated often. 

 2)    I plan to use technology to fulfill my professional responsibilities with the help of teacher productivity tools in many ways.    Examples of tools I will incorporate into my classroom include, PBworks. Which I will use to edit weekly schedules and as a home base for assignments and activities so that students can effectively access them with a provided link. I will use Quizlet, Kahoot, and Class Dojo for practice on current benchmarks. These activities are good practice for students and can help parents stay informed on their student's progress.  

3) I will definitely use PBworks in the future for my classroom.   I found it easy to use and an effective tool for collaboration.  I did not find any issues with the platform; it was self-explanatory, and if I got stuck, there were easy ways to figure it out by exploring the webpage.  I will use it with future k-12 students by having it be a one-stop shop for assignments, projects, and current events. I loved how with a link you can invite others to post on the webpage which I will definitely utilize for students to interact.
4)    I did not participate in the Twitter days of the week challenge. I like the idea of having different people respond to the same topic to see different viewpoints. However, I think Twitter should be a space where you can post what's on your mind, not a topic that someone randomly came up with. Depending on what the topic of the day is, maybe I will participate in the future. 
