Blog Journal 3)

 1) Copyright laws are rules that restrict the usage and sharing of intellectual property. When a person or corporation creates works by and for themself's or others to use, these laws prohibit the copying and sharing of those works to unauthorized users. However, there are the Fair Use guidelines that allow for users to copy and use copyrighted intellectual property for educational purposes. These strict guidelines restrict how much of the work can be used and if it's being used for the right reason. An example of these guidelines being followed is to include the copyright symbol being shown if using a work and to always ensure that it is a valid supplement to the goal being achieved. As a teacher, needing to use outside examples for the topics being learned, and having students create works of their own, following copyright laws are extra important. Teaching students the importance of these laws is crucial because when they start writing essays, a critical part of teaching how to properly write an essay especially when outside information is needed, a works cited page or in text citations need to be included to prevent copyright law violations. If I were teaching in a classroom setting, I would create a lesson on copyright and fair use guidelines to ensure my students are aware of them and how to correctly use them to make they're writing or projects valid according to the guidelines. 

2) Technology implementation issues are of high importance and necessary to learn about as a teacher and to educate students on. Two of the main issues to focus on are Cyberbullying and Academic dishonesty. Cyberbullying is when one or more people is using the internet and its tools to purposely cause harm to another. One solution to this problem I could implement in my classroom would be to have an in depth lesson plan about what exactly cyberbullying is and the repercussions of it. Showing students examples on how to properly critique their peers in a proactive way, such as appropriate language, symbols/gifs and punctuation. Also, explain that cyberbullying and the internet is not always anonymous and if a student is found guilty of it, there more serious repercussions than just perhaps sitting out of an activity but legal consequences have been enforced as well. I would give students the opportunity to report cyberbullying anonymously and make sure those who report it are not to receive punishment in the hopes of making students more comfortable sharing. Academic dishonesty is using either parts or the entirety of another persons work and claiming it as your own. To discourage students from partaking in this act, I would create completely new exams, homework and projects each year so the students cannot use information from the previous year to complete a task. Coming up with my own original work for assignments would push students to come up with their own and not use information already in use.

3) I learned many new skills while creating my newsletter in MS Word. The main one being that I can import a graphic or in this case a banner from another program into Word. I created a colorful and eye catching banner in Canva and imported it into my document. Another skill I learned was putting text boxes into shapes  to put information into fun shapes. I could improve my newsletter in the future by putting more of the graphics that Word offers to make it more appealing. I can use the skills I learned in my future career when making presentations, writing lesson plans and creating fun interactive assignments.
