Blog Journal 9)

1)  I have really enjoyed my time in the classroom in eme2040. First, on the first day of class, I like how we got to know each other because the number of classmates is small. Also, everything covered in the classroom was posted to our classroom canvas page so even if we could not make it to class one day, we could learn about what was said in the classroom. I didn't dislike anything in the classroom, but I would change things in my own. To improve my classroom experience, I would allow for collaboration among students, not just on group projects but also on ways to improve individual assignments. 

2) Open education resources are published learning tools that anyone can use, send, and remix for themselves or others to use. Primarily, for educational resources either in classrooms or for research purposes. Although they lack standard intellectual property rights, they do have their own which include, retain, reuse, remix, revise and redistribute. One blog I found regarding these resources and why faculty is losing interest in adapting it is linked here:

3) I really enjoyed assignment 4 and learned new Powerpoint skills. The most useful skill I learned and adapted was the voiceover tool, which I will utilize greatly in a classroom of my own. I liked the different tools we learned to make PowerPoint more interactive and effective such as adding sounds and effects to transitions. The only thing I did not like was I thought we had too much free reign on the topic, and maybe will a more specific guide for the topic, the tools we learned could've been more strategically utilized. Here is a screenshot of my assignment: 
