
Showing posts from January, 2023
 Blog Journal 2- 1. My experience with MS Word has been extensive. Starting off in high school, we had different academy programs we could apply for as an extra set of classes to prepare us for our college career and intended major.  I was fortunate enough to be admitted into the Marketing and business academy. One of the requirements was to get certified in Word, PowerPoint and Excel which I did during my junior year of high school. Now being in college I put those skills to use in other classes for various assignments and projects. I also took a spreadsheets for business course last semester to even further my skills. MS Word is my preferred processing software because of my comfortability and experience with the program. 2.The ISTE Standard that is most meaningful to me is the Designer. In my own words the standard means that the educator is using various technologies to customize a learning experience to the specific needs of those they're teaching. This standard is important t
 1) Hello! My name is Hayden and I am from Ponte Vedra, Florida. Its on the beach/east coast of Jacksonville and it was an awesome place to grow up, lots of sun, sand, shopping and good food. I ran cross country in high school and loved every second of it. Although now being in college I do not do it as much as I should, it still remains a passion. My father and everyone on his side of the family has graduated from FSU so being the first born, I was destined to go here and ultimately did not have much of a choice. Luckily, I love it here and have made many friends and have had a great experience so far.  2) In regards to my prior experience using technology in an educational setting, I do not have much. I recently changed my major to Digital Communication and educational technology is now a requirement. I have used different mediums of technology throughout my life and am familiar with it and its uses but using it in an educational setting is new territory. I look forward to expanding