1) Hello! My name is Hayden and I am from Ponte Vedra, Florida. Its on the beach/east coast of Jacksonville and it was an awesome place to grow up, lots of sun, sand, shopping and good food. I ran cross country in high school and loved every second of it. Although now being in college I do not do it as much as I should, it still remains a passion. My father and everyone on his side of the family has graduated from FSU so being the first born, I was destined to go here and ultimately did not have much of a choice. Luckily, I love it here and have made many friends and have had a great experience so far. 

2) In regards to my prior experience using technology in an educational setting, I do not have much. I recently changed my major to Digital Communication and educational technology is now a requirement. I have used different mediums of technology throughout my life and am familiar with it and its uses but using it in an educational setting is new territory. I look forward to expanding my knowledge and increasing my technology skills in an educational setting.

3) Throughout my years in receiving an education, I have utilized many learning resources. My main online one being Quizlet. This tool helps me with my educational goals because there is multiple settings, starting with creating my own study guide with terms and definitions on the material. Then, I can use their flashcards, matching tool, and it even creates an exam with a written component to ensure I am understanding the information. An offline resource I use is simply writing notes. Most students my age have utilized iPads or their laptop to take notes, however I find handwriting my notes is more efficient for my learning.
